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Trademark Resources

Find useful trademark goods and services classification information, and common used terms in trademark fields.

Intellectual property offices and information
We can help
  • Have you received a Trademark Office Action notice? We help review and respond to any Trademark Office Action notices.
  • Have you recently registered a trademark? We can help monitoring your trademark rights, identifying potential trademark infrigements.
  • Have you received an oppsition notice? or would you like to file an opposition to someone's trademark registration? We assist our clients to respond and answer to opposition notice as well as file an opposition.
  • Is someone violating your trademark rights? or claimed you are infringing on their rights? Engage our network trademark agents and attorneys, the experts in the field to help defend your trademark rights.
General Trademark Glossary
  • A registered trademark or an application for registration of a trademark can be transferred from one owner to another.
  • An assignment agreement is required for a registered trademark assignment. Both parties shall jointly file an application with the Trademark Office.
  • The assignee shall guarantee the quality of the goods in respect of which the registered trademark is used.
  • There are important legal aspects / particulars that go along with certain types of trademark assignments.